Impasto is a first-person horror adventure game inspired by the works and legacy of Francisco Goya, the revered yet tortured Spanish painter. Set within a world irreversibly altered by his fraying sanity, the player must use both stealth and wits to survive.
[h3]Impasto - Changelog - 1/14/2023 For Patch v1.0.7 [/h3]
[*] Fixed a bug where pausing during cutscenes would allow player to move and would re-enable the hidden crosshair
[*] Fixed a bug where used and removed keys would re-appear back in player inventory after re-loading save
[*] Fixed transparent sets of stairs near The Blind Guitarist
[*] Fixed minor typo in The Blind Guitarist's dialogue
[*] Fixed incorrect voiceover audio for a line of dialogue with the First Old One
[*] Fixed issue with Old Men music not looping if player does not talk to them
[*] Fixed overlapping music during Two Old Men/Arrival/Stealth Tutorial areas
[*] Fixed floating gravestone in the Church District graveyard
[*] Fixed a bug where quitting the game after picking up the second music sheet, but before leaving the vault would cause progression issues