Impasto is a first-person horror adventure game inspired by the works and legacy of Francisco Goya, the revered yet tortured Spanish painter. Set within a world irreversibly altered by his fraying sanity, the player must use both stealth and wits to survive.
[h3]Impasto - Changelog - 11/16/2022 For Patch v1.0.4[/h3]
[*]Fixed credit order for voice actors
[*]Fixed anti-aliasing default value being OFF, is now MSAA 8x (since High Quality Settings are defaults)
[*]Fixed order of the options under the "Texture" setting to match the ordering of the rest of the settings
[*]Fixed typos in Judith dialogue
[*]Fixed volume on some Judith voice lines that were previously too quiet when compared to the others
[*]Fixed missing colliders on trees in The Church District
[*]Adjusted interaction timing on Goya portrait easter egg
[*]Fixed transparency on church windows
[*]Closed gate to the Church District barrel cart area after exiting The Church District
[*]Fixed entrance to Saturn's cave being incorrectly affected by player's torch
[*]Fixed typo in Saturn's dialogue
[*]Fixed water not being visible at Medium Quality or Low Quality settings
[*]Fixed Saturn's feet clipping through floor
[*]Fixed players being able to go behind Saturn's throne