[PATCH v.0.8.2] Early Access patch 2

World Soccer Strikers '91

WSS'91 is here! Welcome to the 90's, kid! Action and graphics on par with the arcades! Gather up a bunch of friends on your own living room! A huge bunch of teams (like, at least 70)! Game modes like tournaments, leagues & everything! What if we both pay for half and swap it every other week?

So, here's the second patch for the World Soccer Strikers '91 Early Access! This small update has focused on making the input system more robust and reliable. Here are the changes: [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*]A different song will play when a match ends with a draw and we go for a Golden Goal tie-breaker. [*]Team physical stat affects slightly more to player movement. [*]Much robust input handling. Improved keyboard / gamepad compatibility and made input reassignment much more reliable when a connection is lost. [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*]Bug in ended leagues, where the user would be allowed to replay the last fixture of the league after it is over. [/list] And that's it! As always, thanks for playing! The Dev Team