[PATCH v.0.8.1] Early Access "Day One" patch

World Soccer Strikers '91

WSS'91 is here! Welcome to the 90's, kid! Action and graphics on par with the arcades! Gather up a bunch of friends on your own living room! A huge bunch of teams (like, at least 70)! Game modes like tournaments, leagues & everything! What if we both pay for half and swap it every other week?

[h1]Patch v.0.8.1[/h1] World Soccer Strikers '91 is finally out! During the first day of the game on Steam, we've been hearing suggestions and bug reports from our community, resulting in the following changes in the game: [h3]Additions[/h3] [list] [*]When playing single-player and the "auto-change players" option is on, any CPU-controlled character that touches the ball will automatically switch input and become user-controlled. There will be no auto-switching for AI first-touch passes and shots. [*]Skip credits when pressing 'Esc' or cancel button. [*]Extra-large player marker option in the settings menu, which doubles the size of the overhead player icon. [/list] [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*]Added a small delay when team logos appear after a goal is scored. [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*]Error which may freeze the game while saving a goal replay, leaving the progress at 0.00%. [*]Fixed bug where the achievements "It's called football" and "It's called soccer" would not trigger. [/list] [h3]Known issues[/h3] [list] [*]Steam Remote Play Together doesn't detect gamepad input. [/list] And that is all for now! We'll keep working on the game and hearing any suggestion you guys may have! Thanks for playing, and stay safe, The Dev Team