Patch Notes - Version 1.1.01

Rogue Lords

A dark fantasy roguelike where you play as the Devil! Lead famous evil geniuses through events and turn-based fights to spread terror and corruption. Create synergies between your disciples, use your evil powers and take revenge on those miserable Demon Hunters.

Greetings Disciples, The development team has worked on a brand new update of Rogue Lords, which is now available to download on your Steam client! In this update, we are addressing issues that you've reported us and improving controls while using a gamepad. [hr][/hr] [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [h2]Achievements[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed the Achievement “Immortal Power”, it should now correctly ignore skills casted by enemies[/list] [h2]User Interface[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed Skill Replacement soul bonus not being displayed in any language other than English [*] Minor fixes on AP Display using specific Relics [*] Improved the way the Relics user interface updates when gaining souls in certain part of the game [*] In combat, the text “Vulnerable” should now be correctly displayed instead of 0/X on characters life gauges after exiting the Devil Mode[/list] [h2]Devil Mode[/h2] [list] [*] When reloading a Book (run), rerolling a secondary activity or creating a Portal should now correctly close the Devil UI when applying the modifications [*] Fixed a bug where using the Devil to modify a test success chances in an event could block progression [*] Leaving an Event with the Devil Mode active should no longer cause the Devil Mode effect to be enabled on the next Event, Sacrificial Altar or Trader activity[/list] [h2]Combat[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed The Creature’s Berzerker attribute not being taken in Overpower damage calculation [*] Hecate’s rituals will not trigger status that triggers on skill cast when being triggered at the beginning of a turn [*] Fixed some bosses Skills that were sometimes not displaying the correct amount of damage[/list] [h2]World Map[/h2] [list] [*] When reloading a new Book (run) just after having defeated a boss, zone paths should not open before completing the first activity anymore [*] Fixed a bug on the World Map where Disciples could backtrack and take another zone exit leading to the void after reloading a game [*] Fixed a bug where the tutorial asking to create a Portal could be postponed to the next zone, blocking progression[/list] [h2]Gamepad/Controller[/h2] [list] [*] In combat when playing with a gamepad, when deselecting the currently selected Disciple, he / she will now stay highlighted for selection and can be reselected without having to move the joystick [*] In combat when playing with a gamepad, when no Disciple is selected, it is now possible to select the first available Disciple with the left bumper (L1 / LB). Only the right bumper could be used before [*] In combat when playing with a gamepad, when exiting the devil mode, the character that was hovered before entering the devil mode should now be directly selectable [*] Improved input handling to display Relics tooltips with L2 / LT and R2 / RT buttons[/list] [h2]Other[/h2] [list] [*] Improved application launch time [*] Fixed Relic Soul Drinker not giving souls when gaining soul while replacing a skill [*] Fixed a bug where it was possible to open the options menu while resuming the last run from the Devil’s Lair[/list]