Patch Notes ver.9765697-alpha

Passed Out: Prologue

Survive in this terrific Battle Royale with 2000 creatures around you. Be the last person standing to enter the Zombie Horde Mode. Good luck, survivors!

[h2]Bug fixes:[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed instances where you could overheal with bandages and syringes [*] Fixed some errors in the crafting mechanism [/list] [h2]New and/or improved features:[/h2] [list] [*] Enhanced airdrop announcement audio [*] Enhanced radial menu audio [*] Weapon menu now shows the rarity of the weapon [*] Increased the number of different spawn locations: was 26 -> now 100 [*] Respawn location in hosted games is now random instead of the area where you died [*] Changed some minor map details [/list]