Patch notes: v1.3.1

The Legend of Pomodoro

The Legend of Pomodoro is a pomodoro tool and an idle game driven by tomatoes.

Patch notes v1.3.0 → v1.3.1: [list] [*]Added a loop option to customize reused pomodoro cycle [*]Added a setting option to use incremental timer as default [*]Added a pause time limitation during a pair of pomodoro cycles [*]Added a setting option to hide the pause button [*]Added a setting option to toggle fishing items [*]Added a setting option to adjust the environment SFX volume [*]Added a switch to toggle whether counts rest cycles in the report view [*]Added a few external buttons to the title screen [*]Fixed a pause button not working bug [*]Fixed an in-scene tip raising bug when a character is in door [*]Fixed a citizen counting bug [*]Fixed a cycle report issue when it passes over a day [*]Improved a few item descriptions [/list]