Patch Notes: v1.1.2

Bitty Engine

Bitty Engine is an itty bitty game engine, with built-in editors, programmable in Lua.

Patch notes v1.1.1 → v1.1.2: Enhanced modules, improved usability, fixed some bugs. [list] [*]Added a [b]Debug.trace(...)[/b] function [*]Added a [b]Debug.clearConsole()[/b] function [*]Added case-insensitive support for assets filter [*]Added error report for the JSON editor [*]Fixed crash bugs when add invalid assets [*]Fixed some string argument retrieving issues [*]Fixed a renderer resetting issue after restoring the window [*]Fixed a sprite sizing issue of the sprite editor with non-square assets [*]Upgraded ImGui from v1.82 to v1.83 [/list]