Patch Notes v1.0.4 “Messenger+ Update”

New Game+ mode: -NG+ is additive, where each subsequent cycle increases difficulty, but also lets you lock in an item to have from the start, making the quest shorter every time -Tread carefully; in NG+, you need to pay Quarble upfront, or it’s GAME OVER -Can you beat the dev’s high score of New Game+7?? Controls remapping: -Accessible through the pause menu Dialogue turbo speed: -Hold right trigger (default) and jump to skip text as fast as possible Underwater labyrinth accessibility: -A visual effect (bubbles) will be there for adventurers who carry the Magic Seashell Prophet hints now accessible directly in the map: --Can be toggled on and off Jukebox: -Accessible in the Shop after finding your first Music Note -Accessible through the pause menu after first discovering it in the Shop Updated Windmill Shuriken: -Accessible from the start in NG+ -Charges now based on a cooldown timer -Hitting targets with it also gives a cloudstep Miscellaneous bug fixing, none of which affecting speedrunning