Patch Notes Jun 24 2024

Dragon Spirits

While constantly working on a video game without any rest, a college student who's about to graduate quietly slipped into slumber several times. In those lucid dreams, he found himself in the game he was working on, the fantasy world of Dragon Spirits.

[h3]Text Adjustment[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed text errors on the Broken Island. [*] Corrected two text errors for Mr. Lui [*] Fixed a typo in the quest system. [*] Corrected a text error in the Dualtail side quest. [*] Changed the Name of “Duelbonfire” to "Dualbonfire". [*] Changed the English name of “Picture Album in Seawater” to "Seawater Drenched Sketchbook". [/list] [h3]Balance Adjustment[/h3] [list] [*] Nerf the skill power of Chill Collapse. [*] Increased the DEF&MDF bonuses of Forever Foison [*] Raised the rarity setting for Dragon Spirit that are difficult to obtain. Dragon Spirit acquired through long side quests have their star rating increased from 2 to 3. [*] Fixed discrepancies between in-game values and local tables. [*] Changed the Illume skill in Ghira's skill set to Qigong. [/list] [h3]Event Adjustment[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where students would incorrectly appear in the classroom during midterm exam review. [*] Added a side quest prompt to the sign at the entrance of the Far Shore Club. [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where the six-dimensional radar chart exceeded its boundaries. [/list] [h3]System Adjustment[/h3] [list] [*] Changed the global acceleration function in normal mode from long-pressing Ctrl to pressing Ctrl once to start acceleration and pressing it again to stop. [/list]