Patch Notes - Cartel Tycoon v

Cartel Tycoon

Cartel Tycoon is a survival business sim inspired by the ‘80s and '90s narco trade. Expand and conquer, fight off rival thugs and evade the authorities. Earn people's loyalty and strive to overcome the doomed fate of a power-hungry drug lord.

[h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed: Some animations for Ferry Station ferries were missing. [*] Fixed: Missing visuals when selecting a target for some of the Lieutenant Abilities. [*] Fixed: It was possible to kill Miguel early on in the ‘Needs and Fears’ campaign, locking the storyline. (thanks, Wouter Koek) [*] Fixed: Demolishing the Paranoic Residence could crash the game in some instances (thanks, Spreck2022) [*] Fixed: Quest ‘Send Them Off II’ couldn’t be completed in the ‘That Sinking Feeling’ campaign. [b](You need to start the game from the save made before acquiring this quest for the fix to work).[/b] [*] Fixed: WASD, QE, and Space buttons didn’t work while the mouse cursor was over a Lieutenant or Building window. [/list] [h2]Known Issues[/h2] [list] [*] Incorrect region mentioned in the description for the ‘The Path of Humility’ event on the San Rafaela map. [*] The penalty for failing the ‘United By A Ball’ quest doesn’t disappear. [*] A marker for an allied gang that is no longer on the map can appear sometimes. [*] Quest-Event ‘Industrial Action’ in the ‘That Sinking Feeling’ campaign doesn’t count the number of cartel members correctly and can’t be successfully completed. [*] Terror doesn’t increase during combat encounters on Ferry Stations (San Rafaela). [*] Enemy Gang event ‘Hire a New Lieutenant’ could trigger if the Cartel is full. (Alejandro_Dai, TacticalFaux) [/list]