Patch notes 14th May

Crow Country

The year is 1990. It’s been two years since the mysterious disappearance of Edward Crow and the abrupt closure of his theme park, Crow Country. But your arrival has broken the silence, Mara Forest. If you want answers, you’ll have to venture deep into the darkness of Crow Country to find them…

Hi everyone! Adam and I have tackled a bunch of reported issues, mostly small but some that were preventing progress for a small set of players. Changes detailed below: [list] [*] Fixed grenade spawn issue [*] Fixed final boss animation glitch after rapid damage [*] Fixed final boss sequence player getting trapped in fence [*] Fixed mini-boss alternative defeat not counting for the achievement [*] Fixed some environment colliders to prevent trapping the player [*] Fixed some typos [*] Fixed some UK English spellings into US English, so as not to break the V I B E [*] Fixed German gift shop puzzle translation [/list]