Hard Mode Out Now!

Crow Country

The year is 1990. It’s been two years since the mysterious disappearance of Edward Crow and the abrupt closure of his theme park, Crow Country. But your arrival has broken the silence, Mara Forest. If you want answers, you’ll have to venture deep into the darkness of Crow Country to find them…

Hello everyone! Since launch, the most requested feature for Crow Country has been a new hard mode. Today we're very pleased to announce that the new 'MURDER OF CROWS' mode is out! [list] [*] Resources are more limited [*] Enemies are more aggressive [*] You can't run while seriously hurt [*] New rank requirements [*] Bonus unlockable for completing hard mode [/list] The new mode is available right away, for first time players and seasoned Crow Pros alike! We've also included some additional changes to this build: [list] [*] Better full-screen handling [*] Small bugfixes [*] Small typo fixes [/list] We hope you'll enjoy 'MURDER OF CROWS' mode Tom & Adam [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44716389/96f37a562e011a55b072d58b749c8aedd5786fd2.png[/img]