Patch Notes 1.0.16


Phylakterion is a 1-4 player online co-op horror game in which you’ll enter different locations in search of a possessed vessel. Search, Identify, and Destroy the vessel and the entity inhabiting it – before the entity finds YOU!

[b]NEW[/b] Added size labels to the map names in lobby [b]CHANGED[/b] Improved tutorial for better understanding and comprehensive coverage of all gameplay elements Replaced the lighter model for better visibility and accessibility Changed spawn points for some lighters Removed the guaranteed hunt from successfully using the Parapulse item, there is now a high chance based on difficulty that a hunt is triggered Modified cursed vessel behavior to occasionally perform activities even when looked at directly by living players Added better hiding spots to the garage and girl’s room sections of Honhannen Slightly reduced hunt frequency and duration on Easy difficulty [b]FIXES[/b] Fixed broken characters in some languages Fixed a bug that caused the Geiger counter to occasionally account for walls incorrectly Fixed some audio issues on maps