【Patch Note】Bug fixes

Outpost: Infinity Siege

Command Mobile Outpost and take XEN Firearm to venture deep into the Signet surveillance off-limit area. Collect unique Weapon Units. Amp up the firepower of the Outpost that fights with you. This is an FTD game - FPS, Tower Defense, Base Building and much more all at the same time.

v1.1-8224782.2024.0529.11 [General] 1.Optimized some lag issues caused under Edit Mode. [BUG FIXES] 1.Fixed some problems that may lead to a game crush. 2.Fixed the problem that there were no prompts when merchandises refreshed under some circumstances. 3.Fixed abnormal damage to Kronos and Crius with Electromagnetic Cruiser Cannon and 406mm Cruiser Cannon. 4.Fixed the abnormal options for some events and hazards under Command Mode. 5.Fixed the problem that Rocket Gloves failed to cool down normally under certain circumstances. 6.Fixed the problem that the audio effects of Railgun Apostle's skill did not stop as the skill interrupted. 7.The EXP bar won't show after the deployed squad member has been fully upgraded. 8.Fix the abnormal spawn location of Crius in [Darkest Before Dawn]