Patch #3 v. 1.2.3

The Backrooms: Escape

The Backrooms: Escape is an experience in the liminal world of backrooms. Move freely, explore the secrets of the corporation, but remember - you are not alone.

[b]Greetings researchers,[/b] Here is the list of changes for the current update: [list] [*] New objects added/changed [*] Updates in some materials [*] Changes in object collisions [*] Added steam cloud saves [*] A new achievement has been added [*] As well as a few very small changes [/list] Achievement "Fire!" [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44699621/fa34de3e66ec25694e07908dfa90cdfb5051edc4.jpg[/img] [strike]To receive it, you need to activate the fire alarm in Sonax lab when you first get there.[/strike] - Maxim Sidorov