Drone Wars

Drone Wars is a simple but unique multiplayer Sci-Fi first-person shooter, where you can play as a heavily armed combat drone or as a human special task force soldier.

[list] [*]Added shotgun specific tracer effects. [*]There are now 6 different shotgun patterns which are dynamically created individually for each client. [*]Added different shoot SFX for shotgun and sniper. [*]Tweaked Lag compensation(Server rewinding) to work better with the movement sendrate limits implemented in the last update. [*]Tweaked movement syncing for remote clients to now be tick based instead of individual for each client to prevent lag compensation from being randomly inaccurate. [*]Fixed an issue in the human movement script. [*]Fixed an issue were the green drone skin would make the drone fuselage invisible. [*]Fixed an issue were remote human players shoot sound effects wouldn't play [*]Enabled 'Stop NaNs' on drone camera, to temporarly silence some NaN issues until the cause has been 100% fixed. [/list] The shotgun patterns are played in order and were added to work with the shotgun tracer effects, to avoid the client having to wait for the server to send back the shot impact points, which would look unresponsive unless the round trip time is very low.