Drone Wars 2.X Devlog

Drone Wars

Drone Wars is a simple but unique multiplayer Sci-Fi first-person shooter, where you can play as a heavily armed combat drone or as a human special task force soldier.

[url=https://youtu.be/b9d2GiGPEQc]>Click here to get to watch the video<[/url] [b]Here is a list of the most important things I have done in the new Drone Wars 2.x project since the last devlog.[/b] [list] [*]Client prediction, and server reconciliation is now fully working for both character classes(Drones and Humans) [*]Added remote client movement interpolation. [*]Added a few movement related animations. [*]Added bullethole decals. [*]Added penetration. [*]Added hitmarkers [*]Added basic deathcam, and respawn system. [*]Added local player shadow. [/list]