Patch 1.42.5 is now live

Nova Blitz

Nova Blitz is a real-time, digital, card game set in a future universe ruled by five Aspects of energy: Arcane, Tech, Divine, Nature, and Chaos. Summon units, play powers, and duel in real time. Turns are simultaneous, and in combat, hidden attack and block orders let you bluff and counter-bluff your opponent.

This is a giant update (download size wise), but will ensure smaller update sizes in the future. We've rebuilt our asset bundling and storage to ensure future updates will "just work" across Steam and mobile platforms (our previous system was pushing the limits of what could be handled with a cross-platform game). In addition, all currently reported bugs have been fixed, so there are no known outstanding bugs. If you encounter a bug, please report it using the in-game bug reporting tool.