Patch is now live.

Star Fleet Armada Rogue Adventures

Captain a fleet of ships. Meet new races. Explore other star systems. Discover and explore anomalies, asteroid fields, nebulas, suns, comets and more. Can you find that rare Rainbow planet that is teeming with mass amounts of resources? Play as any of the 45 races. Earn Achievements to get rare in game artifacts!

Patch is now life. It fixes several crashes that occured when capturing a ship during a battle or assigning a weapon enhancer device module to a ship. There were also several other minor issues that were fixed. There are two known issues that will be in the next patch update which should be in the next 24-48 hours. First issue is with capturing a bio life form while exploring a planet if it puts you over your fleet cargo space. It was just reported and will be in the next patch update which should be within 24 hours. The second issue is with a smart bomb not continuing to the next target when firing at a turret and the turret is destroyed. That too should be fixed in the next patch update.