Patch 1.0.31

To The Rescue!

To The Rescue! is a charming dog shelter simulator. Take care of unique dogs and find the right homes for as many of them as you can. Upgrade your shelter, control disease outbreaks, learn each dog's preferences, and make tough decisions, all while helping support real-world animal shelters!

[h2]Hey everyone![/h2] We're excited to finally bring v.1.0.31! As always, thank you all for your reports in Discord. As you join the server, please check the known-issues channel for a list of what all has been reported and are being actively worked on. Anything you find outside of that, please report in the bug-reports channel using the !bug command in the pinned messages. We're hopeful these fixes will resolve a lot of the issues that players are having, but definitely let us know if you are still experiencing problems. Tanner, Olivia and the rest of the TTR team [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed issue with items in player's inventory during the day transition becoming stuck in their inventory the next day. [*] Pausing during cutscenes should no longer cause issues with cutscene timing. [*] The time of day should be properly cleared when creating a new save during the same game instance. [*] Fixed issue with vaccinations reducing adoptability by one star. [*] Fixed the Clock Out button disappearing if enabling the summary tab in the reports page (when it wasn't enabled by default) [*] Fixed issue with end game scene, making it impossible to get to credits if said "no" the first time to the mayor [*] Fixed issue with being able to click to differnt tabs during the daily summary. [*] Fixed an issue with the Daily Summary becoming stuck. [*] Fixed the issue with Adoption Trait matches and the Emphasize action not registering properly. [*] Fixed issue with the Dog Log being able to scroll to empty pages when "Filter to Current" was checked. [*] Fixed issue with the default flooring patterns on the kennel and mecial rooms being mismatched. [*] Fixed issue with grants in sandbox mode sometimes loading placeholder text. [*] Fixed issue with pluralization in Adopt-a-thon community events where multiple dogs were adopted [*] Fixed issue with run kennels creating a hole in walls they are up against. [*] Rooms should now save and load wallpaper and flooring choices properly. [*] Kennels should now load and save upgrades and kennel level properly. [*] Animation fixes to dogs and visitors. [*] Fixed some camera issues with cutscenes 3_1 and 3_2 [*] Story thread progress should be cleared properly when creating a new save during the same game instance. [*] Fix for incorrect labels for some kennels in the construction panel. [*] Fix for incorrect population cap label on the contstruction for L and T kennel variants. [*] Fix for the holding kennel navigation graph updater in Sunny Paws. [*] Fix for the summary screen not properly displaying prior data. [*] Adjusted the bounds of Sunny Paws shelter level. [/list] [h2]New Additions/Changes [/h2] [list] [*] Added additional Super Dog design Rolo [*] Added missing text (Russian, in the construction menu) and fixed a few typos [*] Added text that shows days remaining in the grants tab [*] Added icon on the tab that comes up when there is no selected grant. [*] Added icons in the construction menu for LL RL and T Kennels. [*] Added scrolling behavior to traits that are too long in the dog folder. [*] Added icon to traits to show traits that generate stress. [*] Added new icon to dog thought bubbles to indicate when they are generating stress. [*] Added new icons for each of the 4 skill categories. [*] Added an event that can spawn between 3 and 5 dogs when the shelter is below 65% capacity. [*] Added an icon to mark a dog's Home Kennel when they are focused while on leash. [*] Added a restriction on Lost dog events to only be dogs that arrived within the last 7 days. [*] Added an icon in the build menu to display if a room doesn't have a door. [*] Dogs now eat and drink at higher thresholds than before. [*] Playspaces no longer have wallpaper and flooring options in the inspector. [*] Visitors without any dialog do not highlight in the end game scene, making it more clear which ones you're supposed to be able to talk to [*] Ribbons can now return a dog to their home kennel, even if they have been removed manually from the show kennel, provided they have a home kennel (The home kennel icon should appear when on leash and focused if they do). [/list]