Patch 1.0.1 release

Galactic Missile Defense

Galactic Missile Defense is a shooter and tower defense game, where you must protect Earth from the invading Martians that declared war on our planet just because a space rover accidentally ruined their picnic!

The patch v1.0.1 has just been released, please find the changelog below: [h1]Balance Changes[/h1] [list] [*][b]Specter[/b] types now cast their Invisibility [b]20%[/b] more often. [*][b]Demolisher[/b] enemy types will acquire a target [b]10%[/b] faster after they appear. [*]Reduced the Teleport cooldown of the [b]illusionist[/b] enemy type by [b]45%[/b]. [*]Enemies after level 25 will now spawn [b]13%[/b] faster. [/list] [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed an issue that prevented the completion of [b]OmniSCIENCE[/b] and [b]Galactic Mayhem[/b] achievements. [*]Fixed a bug that caused the bonus multiplier text to sometimes appear on top of other GUI text. [*]Fixed a bug that caused in-game tips to sometimes ignore the setting to not display them. [/list] [h1]Interface[/h1] [list] [*]Added a button at the Main Menu for easier access to [b]Rankings[/b]. [*]Added support for non-english text characters at the Leaderboards. [/list]