Patch 0.9.8 Major Update

Space Station Tycoon

Create a thriving space station in a lost sector. Face thrilling challenges head-on, from pirate raids to asteroid impacts, as you lead your company to new heights.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37801456/c647f629c52fb648323cedffab0ce29e9a14fb9b.png[/img] [list] [*] The galaxy map and its progression has been completely reworked. [*] Employees now periodically ask for a raise. [*] Added junction points that make jump gates reach farther away. [*] Incoming events and threats are now visible on the galaxy map as they approach the station. [*] New event: Radiation storm. [*] The event system has been completely reworked to be more dynamic and respond better to player performance. [*] The finances tab has been improved with a list that shows the individual profit/loss of every building. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37801456/27286332660d3d0d65ca84f06a0e2aaec96ecf52.png[/img] [list] [*] Added an indicator to display the queue time of jump gates. [*] Added a "Search Again" button when hiring employees to make the process more comfortable. [*] The level-up screen has been reworked with better design and animations. [*] Tutorial quests are made shorter to eliminate linear gameplay. [*] The save/load screens have been redesigned. [*] The city inspection screen has been redesigned. [*] The galaxy map is now better lit. [*] When a company terminates its marketing deal, the reason will be displayed in the in-game log. [*] The cafe now counts as both a food and a drink source. [*] Added animations when researching perks. [*] Added new types of quests to the tutorial. [*] When a lab or reactor overdrive occurs, an explosion will happen. [*] Added more highlight indications for new players. [*] Creating and deleting energy connections is now more comfortable. [*] Building a second floor is now more expensive. [*] Money count will now be displayed with decimal separators. [*] The galaxy parallax effect has been improved. [*] Added Kickstarter supporter's names to the customer name pool. [*] Settings UI has been improved. [*] Aliens now have alien names. [*] Each jump gate now has a different colored connection line. [*] HUD improvements. [*] Added sound effects for ships. [*] New loading screen. [*] The color picker for choosing station colors has been reworked. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37801456/679c926a78d0ee63e8c1cd36154255d97f30d869.png[/img] [list] [*] Jumping ships in the galaxy map are not loud anymore. [*] Pathfinding has been improved. [*] Fixed bugs related to the speed setting. [*] Fixed the hitbox of the notifications on the right side. [*] Fixed a bug where the pirates would not leave the station. [*] Fixed some visual bugs. [*] Fixed some UI bugs in the inbox panel. [*] Fixed some buildings looking extremely dark. [*] Fixed some text overflow issues. [*] Fixed the hitboxes of all the buildings. [*] Fixed the police clipping with the station. [*] Improved asteroid hitboxes. [*] Fixed big ships clipping with the docks. [*] Fixed the holograms displaying the station logo. [*] Fixed a bug where the shields would not activate during a raid. [*] Fixed weird camera zoom when entering the station. [*] Fixed ships passing through the station. [*] Fixed a bug where the total electricity count wouldn't get updated after enabling the "Reactor Overdrive" policy. [*] Fixed asteroid impact sounds not playing. [*] Billboards can no longer be connected to the electricity grid since they don't need it. [*] Fixed the employee filters not working. [*] Fixed the hitboxes of some UI buttons. [*] Fixed buildings not losing health after getting hit by asteroids. [*] Aliens no longer burn after taking damage. [*] Fixed some inconsistencies in the UI. [*] Turret icon has been updated. [*] Fixed a bug where the game speed would stay the same after returning to the main menu. [/list]