0.9.5 Update Patch Notes

Space Station Tycoon

Create a thriving space station in a lost sector. Face thrilling challenges head-on, from pirate raids to asteroid impacts, as you lead your company to new heights.

[h2]Major Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Research map has been completely redesigned for a better feel for progression. [*] UI is made more consistent and clean. [*] Maximum level is capped at 7. [*] Most of the modules are now unlocked through the research system instead of after long grinds to level up. [*] New system to simulate events that are happening on different stations. [*] Security system has been overhauled to feel more fair. [*] Managing a second station is made easier through initial cooldowns on some negative events. [/list] [h2]Quality of Life Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Every mission can be clicked on to get more info. [*] Signal Enhancers and their purpose are more visible on the recruiting panel. [*] Mission section is redesigned to show progress more clearly. [*] Red indicators on top of buildings can be clicked to be directed to the associated panel. [*] "Repair" button is disabled if the building has full health. [*] Maximum game speed has been increased. [*] Maximum amount of autosaves of one game is capped at 3. [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed major crashes. [*] Fixed overly powered asteroids. [*] Fixed shield generators not giving security points. [*] Fixed event names not being rendered correctly. [/list]