Patch 0.9.2

Enchanted Blacksmith

Enchanted Blacksmith is a first-person sandbox where you craft legendary weapons and explore a vast, handcrafted open world. Mine rare ores, gather magical materials, and forge powerful tools to gain fortune and fame. Unlock ancient secrets and become the ultimate master of the forge!

Added: [list] [*] HUD Toggle: Players can now toggle the HUD on and off. [*] Toggle HUD Controls Legend: Option to show or hide the controls legend for the HUD. [/list] Changes: [list] [*] Enchantment Effects: Updated and improved enchantment effects. [*] Translations Updated: Replaced old translations with updated versions. [/list] Fixes: [list] [*] Grass Visuals: Subtle visual improvements to grass, particularly in shadows and at night. [*] Mushroom Model Lighting: Fixed lighting issues with mushroom models when illuminated by lamps at night. [*] Crates/Containers Physics: Crates can no longer hold boulders due to physics adjustments. [*] Korean Font: Corrected issues with the Korean font display. [*] Missing Translations: Added missing translations across various languages. [/list]