'Passive Run' update

Unto The End

Master tactical sword fighting combat, or discover ways to avoid bloodshed. A journey that trusts you from beginning to end.

Unto The End has received a few updates since it launched and one of the biggest changes to the game has been the introduction of non-violent resolutions to several encounters that previously required the player to engage in combat. This means it's now entirely possible to make it home without ever having to fight or kill, although you will still have to figure out how, exactly, an encounter can be overcome using passive means. This video highlights a few of the alternatives to combat – trading or using items, interacting with the environment, or simply running away – that you might want to try: [previewyoutube=HxjIVwic7l8;full][/previewyoutube] It's worth mentioning that the update has also been rolled out for the console versions of Unto The End, along with several other changes. Full 'Passive Run' patch notes are available here: [url=http://bit.ly/UTEPassive]http://bit.ly/UTEPassive[/url] Thanks everyone for the continued support, and good luck to anyone attempting a fully passive run! Matt | Big Sugar https://store.steampowered.com/app/600080/Unto_The_End/