OVRdrop is Live!


OVRdrop is a Utility Application for SteamVR that can mirror a Desktop Window, an entire Monitor, or a WebCam into a Cross Game SteamVR Overlay.

It's finally here! OVRdrop has gone live on Steam! It's been a long time coming, but OVRdrop is here! Thanks to all my early supporters and everyone who has submitted bug reports and feature requests - I honestly couldn't have done it without all of you! [h1]Where are we now?[/h1] OVRdrop is finally ready for a public release! I'm sure there are bugs that haven't been caught yet, but I believe its finally come far enough along for a public release. If you find any bugs, please post them to [url=https://github.com/Hotrian/OVRdrop-Public/issues]OVRdrop's Issue Tracker[/url] and I'll fix them ASAP. You can also join us [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/OVRdrop/]on reddit[/url] if you are having any difficulties getting things setup. I have an [url=https://github.com/Hotrian/OVRdrop-Public/wiki/FAQ]FAQ[/url] setup if you're having issues figuring something out, and I'll try to keep it up to date with the most common questions. You can also check out the [url=https://github.com/Hotrian/OVRdrop-Public/wiki/Compatibility]Compatibility Article[/url] if you're wondering what works with OVRdrop. [h1]Where are we going?[/h1] There are still many more things to come! I plan to continue working on OVRdrop for the foreseeable future - adding new features and fixing bugs as they come up. Here is just a sampling of what is still to come: [list] [*] Full Desktop support (currently supports one monitor at a time) [*] Multi-Overlay support [*] Multi-Overlay group Saving/Loading [*] Dashboard Overlay integration [*] Access to ALL settings from within VR [*] Controller Hotkey support [*] Hotkey Combination support (pressing multiple keys to trigger a single action) [*] and more! [/list] I still have some more plans in the pipeline, but I'll have to see what does/doesn't work before I can commit to it. If there's anything else you want included, feel free to post them on [url=https://github.com/Hotrian/OVRdrop-Public/issues]OVRdrop's Issue Tracker[/url], which doubles as the Feature tracker. [h1]What else do I need to know?[/h1] If you are coming from OpenVRDesktopDisplayPortal, you should know that Steam only allows an application to launch a single time, so you won't be able to use OVRdrop to bring in multiple desktop windows right now. However, OVRdrop can target an entire monitor, but you cannot launch OVRdrop multiple times to bring in multiple overlays like you could with OVRDDP. I plan to take care of this by adding support for multiple overlays/clones. Also important is there's a side effect of the new Capture API. You can now only capture windows which are on top, which can be an issue because some VR games need focus or they won't display in VR properly - I have a fix for this though! There's a setting under the Additional Settings menu, called "Window Always On Top" - when this is enabled, the target window will become a top most window, which means it doesn't need focus and will remain on top. This is similar to SteamVR's "SteamVR Status window always on top", except it targets whichever window you are trying to clone into VR. You should also know OVRdrop has a few launch options right now: [list] [*] -target-title "Window Title Here" [*] -target-exe "Application.exe" [*] -twitchmode [*] -youtubemode [/list] These are used to automate startup. You should only use one of these. -target-title will attempt to target a given window by its name. -target-exe will attempt to target a given application by it's exe, -twitchmode will attempt to target the Twitch Popout chat, and set the crop to the optimal setting (this is primarily for Twitch streamers), -youtubemode does the same, but with the YouTube Popout Chat instead (again this is primarily for Youtube streamers). You can easily override these once OVRdrop has started up, but they can be handy if you're trying to automate targeting a specific window. -twitchmode works with Firefox, Chrome, and IE right now. -youtubemode works with Chrome and IE right now. [h1]Thanks again![/h1] Thanks again to everyone who has supported me so far - those who reported issues and feature requests for OVRDDP, the beta testers for OVRdrop, and everyone else for all the kind words and support you've given me! Thanks to you all, OVRdrop is finally here!