Out now & Nominated at IndieCade!

Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor

Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor is an anti-adventure game about picking up trash in an alien bazaar. Play as the Janitor, an Alaensee girlbeast with a municipally-subsidized trash incineration job and dreams of leaving the planet of Xabran's Rock far behind her.

[img]http://store.steampowered.com/gfxproxy/betagfx/apps/436500/extras/IndieCadeSiteCornerLogoRT.png?t=1474047030&alt_url=http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/436500/extras/IndieCadeSiteCornerLogoRT.png?t=1474047151[/img] It's time to wander around an alien bazzaar while collecting trash and evaluating your life goals and decisions. Welcome to Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor! The game's out now on Steam! Here's the full trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEW8Uguif6Y [h1]Nominated at IndieCade[/h1] Diaries has been nominated at IndieCade 2016! If you're around, come by and say to James, the game's designer. http://www.indiecade.com/2016 [h1]RockPaperShotgun Impressions[/h1] If you're still wondering what Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor is about, RockPaperShotgun recently posted an extensive Impressions-fueled article on the game https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/09/15/diaries-of-a-spaceport-janitor/ It seems like they really enjoyed eating questionable substances and feeling enlightened. [h1]See you at the spaceport![/h1] http://store.steampowered.com/app/436500