Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor is an anti-adventure game about picking up trash in an alien bazaar. Play as the Janitor, an Alaensee girlbeast with a municipally-subsidized trash incineration job and dreams of leaving the planet of Xabran's Rock far behind her.
It's time to wander around an alien bazzaar while collecting trash and evaluating your life goals and decisions. Welcome to Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor! The game's out now on Steam!
Here's the full trailer
[h1]Nominated at IndieCade[/h1]
Diaries has been nominated at IndieCade 2016! If you're around, come by and say to James, the game's designer. http://www.indiecade.com/2016
[h1]RockPaperShotgun Impressions[/h1]
If you're still wondering what Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor is about, RockPaperShotgun recently posted an extensive Impressions-fueled article on the game
It seems like they really enjoyed eating questionable substances and feeling enlightened.
[h1]See you at the spaceport![/h1]