The Banished Vault

A strategy game of exploration, endurance, and space travel on an interstellar gothic monastery. Explore solar systems, harvest resources, construct outposts, and face hazards in the challenging universe of The Banished Vault.

Hi all! The Banished Vault is out now! Get started on your journey across the galaxy. Here's a bunch of links to all the various supporting material we've published in recent weeks: [url=https://a.co/d/77CtTbn]The physical copy of the in-game manual![/url] Get your own copy to flip through in person and appreciate the gorgeous art, and extra notes pages to write down any ideas you come up with. [url=https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6tdx460nbnfasuyv1ts1w/The-Banished-Vault-Manual-v1.pdf?rlkey=uuns4mhr4n5oh92ndpvdjslcg&dl=0]A PDF version of the manual![/url] Identical to the in-game version, just as a pdf so you can have it open on a second screen. [url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCvbp5OL33vi0-AvgWDjRROxrqhw3wasQ]The video featurettes![/url] We've published 10 (and more to come) featurettes on the game, breaking down all the various systems and mechanics in small bite sized videos. These have the same information as the manual but in video form, if you find that easier to internalize. Upcoming videos will have a full walkthrough of the tutorial, and more 'behind the scenes' style for the dice and math. [url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCvbp5OL33vi0-AvgWDjRROxrqhw3wasQ]The design diaries![/url] These were published a few months ago as a series of blog posts, going deep into the thinking and iteration behind much of the game. If you like reading the design notes and technical considerations that go into making games, these are for you.