Our Tiny Team's demo is now live!

We're super excited to be part of the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/sale/tinyteamsfestival2023]2023 Tiny Teams event![/url] This event showcases loads of awesome indie games made by small dev teams like us! [h3]Our new & improved demo is live[/h3] To celebrate our involvement in Tiny Teams, you'll be able to play the Odinfall demo from now until the 10th of August! [h3]It's time for mayhem! [/h3] Play our demo and experience sheer chaos with added bug fixes and polishes. Grab a gun and get blasting some zombie vikings! Have fun! P.S: The wonderful Yogscast team are streaming Odinfall on [url=https://t.co/Gd2XjkjQYW]Twitch[/url] on the 8th August! This stream will be happening between 2pm - 5pm, so keep your eyes peeled!