Our progress,making new skills

Path to purge

When the demon is a lovely little girl, will you still give her a wide berth? In the face of increasingly hard fighting, Play the Demon to purge the Human beings that corrupted by the Holy Spirit. Dealing with the angel's difficulties, let's see how far you can go

Hi everyone! We want to share with you our plan. In this moment, the content of the game is not perfect yet, and next we will give priority to the skills addition. We'll focus on the categories of skills and their ripple effects. Then, we will add and adjust the skills series of each element. At present, we are close to completing the new design of lightning skills series and will continue to advance the other series. After all the skills are well developed, we will launch a new challenge mode, alongside the existing story mode, so that players can choose according to their preferences. There are more new levels that have been completed, but they won't be released yet, because we are prioritizing the basic development of the game. The new theme levels will be released when more skills, more characters and more weapons are well designed. Thanks for your understanding and waiting.