
Path to purge

When the demon is a lovely little girl, will you still give her a wide berth? In the face of increasingly hard fighting, Play the Demon to purge the Human beings that corrupted by the Holy Spirit. Dealing with the angel's difficulties, let's see how far you can go

版本号004 新增内容: -设置页面:增加版本号显示 修改内容: - 电击子弹:修改为击中敌人两次,触发一道闪电,伤害为70%-130% - 修改bug:战斗内选技能:点击角色状态、设置,返回后界面无法操作 - 修改bug:主界面左上角按钮功能与按钮图标不一致 - 修改bug:选择快递箱界面,提示信息位置不对 - 修改bug:boss战看完出场动画死机(部分集成显卡机型) - 修改bug:死亡后回到主界面,羊重新变成人型,ui不会出现 - 修改bug:部分情况下主角被击败会从场上消失