Our Plans for 1.1

Miner's Mettle

Miner's Mettle is a artillery-based real-time strategy game. Control a fleet of artillery-trains on an isolated and lawless mining planet. You'll need accurate shooting and tactical prowess to return safely with precious resources!

EDIT - We need another day to further test out our new patch so unfortunately we'll be delaying it for a day. The good news is that the install size has essentially halved, so expect to shave off a total of approx. 24GB of the install size! Hello everyone! It's been a blur of a month since Miner's Mettle left Early Access and launched version 1.0! We had been dropping regular, twice a week updates in November, but have slowed down a bit in the past week or so. The reason for this is we've been working on update 1.1, which is our largest update yet and required a few weeks in the oven before launching. 1.1 will require a large download, as we're changing the structure of the game files to decrease the size of the install on your PC. The game was optimized towards the smallest download sizes possible, at the expense of a large install size, but this doesn't make sense for a single player game and so we're aiming to shrink the install size quite a bit here. Here's some of the changes you can expect in 1.1: - Decreased install size of Miner's Mettle - we expect to shave off another ~8GB of install size (EDIT - This is looking far more sizable, and at least an 18GB of install size reduction) - New and improved VFX for many of the devices, both in projectiles, and explosions - New and improved SFX for many of the devices and in general throughout the game - New level 2 and 3 facility models (all 4 factions), some images of which we'll be sharing with you soon - A significantly improved Horde Mode, with a fresh bunch of maps to select, as well as many customization options, such as number of waves, amount of time between each wave, number of hostiles per wave, and hostile accuracy are variables you can select - Quality of Life improvements - Tweaks to some campaign missions to improve pacing and smooth out difficulty spikes - Bug Fixes Our aim is to be done with 1.1 by the 21st of December. We're looking forward to sharing 1.1's improvements with you soon! Thanks, Ignatius