Half game. Half album. All awesome! A colourful art-punk adventure towards the best night of your life. Guaranteed to cheer you up in half an hour or your money back!
Hi everyone!
Our blobby cat is out of the bag! I can't tell you all how good it feels to have finally announced the next Team Lazerbeam release, Teenage Blob! We spent three years working on this project in secret, and we're so happy to finally have announced the game to The World and made the itch page public.
So, what is Teenage Blob? You can head over to[url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1096060/Teenage_Blob/] the store page[/url] for some more detailed info, but in short, Teenage Blob is the The World's first game/music split release! It's a collection of 6 new games from [url=https://www.teamlazerbeam.com/]Team Lazerbeam[/url] and 6 new songs from [url=https://thesuperweaks.bandcamp.com/]The Superweaks[/url], all wrapped up together into a single interactive tale of bands, butts and bootleg battletoadz! Confused about how that would work? Maybe our announcement trailer can help clear things up!
Unveiling this weird concept has been an interesting experience. We were expecting a lot head scratching and confusion (which has happened for sure) but were very pleasantly surprised to discover the concept clicking with a lot of people! Despite this being the first time a game band and music band have joined forces in this way,it seems like there's something about the collaboration that just makes sense to people. And, in the case of people that aren't too interested in the team-up nature of the project, the larger story of Teenage Blob really seems to be striking a chord! Some people seem to love the idea of a game that follows a blobby teen on quest to see their favourite band live. This really comes across in some awesomely insightful and enthusiastic articles that people have written about Blob's reveal (for good examples see what the lovely people at [url=https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbigbossbattle.com%2Fteenage-blob-is-a-unique-colorful-nostalgic-game%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1K_y7T2wVlDthnlXo1y-tVF5G7UIZJR_EsMLF0RcY0EQKzxdhrQdO2pAI&h=AT2z21xruFMzoTE_UNwsCJUlSk3a5jAraIQ4GHj3QmmH6a8zDrb-Cr_7UF0KiZmQ3u4Poc7jjfWv-uK4L-hRLfgPDHcjW2X-N6xIwBJc6WbV6v8aD_9Y4FK4zG77i0heO5RaBDuqa5YS0-0z2A7fNQoexUlGze0p4orh_RbwiezUHvOMqz_cU8RTPpKNTPUR8gAEiTDQGhR6otLFRyysqu4QTzRbOeM0Dt0y2b4Kq3kHK6_bu0i4GmD1MpMrOvG_OnCVjdAMI_72v3EdRsqOUaqgvFyXCW2U6g8vDnszNY0StW12hJhxQfZS2XnkD4As60DWXeQyTMKBnFsPSHD0pL5_-i3RycopkhwuZWVNYlY_Jk_h6SQWUq_8R5HBJEH42syas58TDXDhvzjCu7WngCF-HJ3u3OnrnY7yKneywmoavKD6d32DVWBf4S4xsLtLTDFM41Ao3UPrqb5CGPTI46QgMdpCPHOpQ9mRd5WKC7Eg6VwtH6L2gIFdh65XAfEBflnloTIvGlAdbPA4K77RGsx9e7C9mam2XZ4PhdpmSBZXZnoTjc5lnsMbwcPeatJzsvCs736Mc_QFUBXY_ZQVesfAudPjMmC4-MT6zMAE-wJLMPVt4xzbrIyVMP1Lj6yaM-V5P7Nw6dA]Big Boss Battle[/url] and [url=https://www.thegamer.com/teenage-blob-art-punk-half-game-half-music-album/]The Gamer[/url] and [url=https://indiegamesplus.com/2020/06/teenage-blob-helps-amorphous-teens-reach-rockin-concerts]Indie Games +[/url]) . We hope the game will resonate just as well with people once they play it!
If you'd like to follow our adventures as we work towards launching this wonderful blobby baby, join us over on [url=https://discord.com/invite/9Xh3HAE]our Discord[/url] where we share regular news, hang out with Lazerfans, and draw each others pets! And of course, to make sure you don't miss out on the Blob when it's out, be sure to wishlist the game too!
Thanks for reading!
Team Lazerbeam