Orchard, Marketplace, Hitching Posts & Arena Courses! 🐴🍀 Update

The Ranch of Rivershine

Saddle up and build your own horse ranch! Raise foals, care for your horses and train them as you explore the western wilderness! Participate in cross country competitions and become your town's champion. Befriend the villagers who'll help you on your adventure at the Ranch of Rivershine!

[b]Since the game’s release last May[/b], I’ve had a growing to-do list of [b]small additions[/b], [b]quality of life improvements[/b] and [b]bug fixes[/b] that I never found the time to do. To start the new year fresh, I decided to clear [i](most of)[/i] that to-do list! 🐴🍀 This update covers many different features and areas of the game to [b]bring you a more polished, well-balanced result.[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079595/50accf2594e77b0e19175dc74e896c114efc2a7f.png[/img] [h2]Horses & Care[/h2] [list] [*] Added hitching posts for horses around the town, the ranch and the trails. [*] Added that horses wander off when left alone. Based on their trust level, they will stay closer to where they were left. [*] Increased the horse’s speed while going over a jump. [*] Improved the horse’s turning animation. [*] Added animations when the horse and rider see an approaching jump. [*] Added information for how many days a foal or young adult has left to grow up. [*] Added information about the horse’s coat color, modifier, pattern and hair genetics. [*] Improved the horse’s family tree interface. [*] Added the option to move all of the horses in the stable or the pasture in the stable manager. [*] Added an icon to better display which skill has improved training from grain. [*] Added a water trough in each stall. [*] Added new types of bedding that stay clean longer. [*] Increased the chances that horses in the auction house and in the wild have no face markings. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079595/41f73362fb9cb6233c6deab31a87be6e8c273b70.png[/img] [h2]Player Character[/h2] [list] [*] Added the ability to sprint. [*] Added the ability to make your horse rear by pressing the jump action while idle. [*] Added the ability to pet your horse’s head. [*] Added the ability to jump on your horse from the rear. [*] Added a first person mode. [i]The first person mode is experimental and might be changed or removed based on feedback.[/i] [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079595/7785549bb3d951cc29da8d5a23c2eb39be125a90.png[/img] [h2]Town & Villagers[/h2] [list] [*] Added counters in each store to ring the shopkeeper and bring them to the counter. [*] Added that villagers living outside of the town will sometimes visit the marketplace. [*] Added more decorations and animals in town. [*] Added wood shavings and sand available for sale in the grocer’s shop. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079595/06deddafdb2756e54776f52a6d929832bf4d8c01.png[/img] [h2]Farm & Orchard[/h2] [list] [*] Added seeds to plant cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelons, apple trees and pear trees. All seeds are available for purchase in the farmer’s shop. [*] Added the treat models for cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelons and pears. [*] Added two orchard plots available from the start on the player’s ranch, and six more available for sale in the carpenter’s shop. [*] Added a quest with the farmer to introduce the new orchard. [*] Added a compost bin where manure can be turned into random fertilizer. [*] Changed that crops growing out of season will now transform into hay. [*] Fixed the crop and hay textures looking odd during fall and winter. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079595/b4943903e284c994f71fa6b911255f1a42f98202.png[/img] [h2]Daily Cycle[/h2] [list] [*] Added a confirmation box before going to sleep. [*] Added a daily overview of your progress that day. [*] Added daily morning notifications for important events such as new pregnancies, foals growing up, villagers visiting the town and crops being ready to harvest. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41079595/e4ed93bd14cd8f2bcfcb871dcfa41708935f5aeb.png[/img] [h2]Upgrades[/h2] [list] [*] Added the Flower Fence and Country Barrel expert arena courses. [*] Added the Boxwood Hedge arena courses from beginner to expert. [*] Added a training boost for all skills while in the indoor arena. [/list] [h2]General Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Added icons on the map for retired horses. [*] Saved and loaded the camera zoom distance. [*] Fixed a bug that caused wild horses to never spawn on the first day of loading the game. [*] Fixed a bug where the herbal remedy could only be purchased once. [*] Fixed a bug that caused mares to stay pregnant one day longer after they gave birth. [*] Fixed a bug where the statue tracker wouldn’t work while charging the statue for the first time. [*] Fixed a bug where wild horses would be visible on the map, even if no horses were present. [*] Fixed a bug where horses could wander into the other pastures before they’re unlocked. [*] Fixed a bug where horses couldn’t be moved successfully into the stables from the stable manager. [*] Fixed a bug that caused horses in the fertility pasture to not be displayed in the stable manager. [*] Fixed a bug where you couldn't give a treat to a horse after they were in the fertility pasture. [*] Fixed a bug where horses couldn’t reach 100% care after being switched stalls. [*] Fixed a bug that sometimes caused multiple days to pass in one night. [/list] [h2]Balance Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Balanced all competitions' win times. [*] Changed the young adult stage to only last 7 days instead of 14 days. [*] Changed the statue and retirement pasture quests to be available earlier. [*] Reduced the cost of different upgrades, including: [list] [*] The fertility pasture. [*] The farm fields. [*] The access to Pine Forest and Crystal Lake. [*] The Lupine Meadow wild horse pen. [*] The first and second level of the retirement pasture. [*] The first and second pasture upgrade. [*] All levels of arena obstacle courses. [*] All levels of trail obstacle courses. [/list] [/list] With this done, I’ll get back to our original programming: As planned in the roadmap, [b]the next content update will be focused on the new Rocky Mountain trail[/b], and everything that comes with it… New wild horses, new competitions and new flexibility training arena! [b]Enjoy your time in Rivershine! [/b] [i]Éloïse[/i]