Operation Thunder Update 1.1

Operation Thunder

Operation Thunder is a top-down shooter with a tactical twist and destructible walls. Use your guns, gadgets and wits to outsmart your enemies and become a hero. Good luck, Soldier.

Some more improvements and fixes to the game [list] [*]Added Icon to let you know when you will have new gadgets and weapons unlocked [*]Fixed a UI screen with the wrong font, and some other UI fixes and changes [*]Started a new update numbering system, in the past the plan was to only change the number for major updates, but it seems it would be better to signify minor updates as well, this update will set the number as Update 1.1 [*]Fixed a bug with enemy AI where they would turn back even after seeing you [*]Fixed a bug where stalkers could push you through walls if you are stuck in a corner [/list]