[OPERATION:High Rise] Winners Announcement

Line of Sight

Fast paced FPS with high customizational freedom. From game mode customization to an in depth weapon tuning and attachment system up to detailed character customizations, while it was developed so you can choose to either go for high performance or graphical fidelity without an high end PC.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25944055/67c0c0751d42fcbe0592024cdaf857c5c419427e.png[/img] [h1][u][b]Winner Announcement[/b][/u][/h1] Mercenaries. Today, We are proudly announcing [b] the winners of Operation:HIGH RISE.[/b] Congratulations to all winners! For the result, Check the chart below. [b]Week 1[/b][table] [tr] [th] Missions [/th] [th] 1st Place [/th] [th] 2nd Place [/th] [th] 3rd Place [/th] [th] Lucky Winner [/th] [/tr] [tr] [td][b] Battle Royale - Wins[/b][/td] [td] “ Likholetov ”[/td] [td] “ xmlWUT ”[/td] [td] “ SlepySnajper ”[/td] [td] “ unknwnbullet ”[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b] Classic S&D - Wins[/b][/td] [td] “ NaoTomori ”[/td] [td] [strike]“ MrKiem ”[/strike][/td] [td] “ fl3shbcm ”[/td] [td] “ Pagamantoe ”[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]TDM - Wins[/b][/td] [td] " DKYF3 "[/td] [td] “ MZxMoRTaLiTo ”[/td] [td] “ wilimili ”[/td] [td] “ Ezequ ”[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Free For All - Wins [/b][/td] [td] “ Psyzilard ”[/td] [td] “ KID_ ”[/td] [td] “ rap2 ”[/td] [td] “ Peacebro007 ”[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Primary - Headshots[/b][/td] [td] “ iwantum ”[/td] [td] “ Calidoso ”[/td] [td] “ Vfather ”[/td] [td] “ Prozace ”[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Playtime[/b][/td] [td] “ Kommy ”[/td] [td] “ Miracle01 ”[/td] [td] “ unknwnbullet ”[/td] [td] “ Su_Korea ”[/td] [/tr] [/table] [b]Week 2[/b][table] [tr] [th] Missions [/th] [th] 1st Place [/th] [th] 2nd Place [/th] [th] 3rd Place [/th] [th] Lucky Winner [/th] [/tr] [tr] [td][b] Battle Royale - Wins[/b][/td] [td] “ S1rius "[/td] [td] “ ITANT ”[/td] [td] “ xxHealyxx ”[/td] [td] “ JordySmith ”[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b] Classic S&D - Wins[/b][/td] [td] “ AFG_Boy ”[/td] [td] “ yawhehe80 ”[/td] [td] “ __G_G__ ”[/td] [td] “ TawafTahsin ”[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]TDM - Wins[/b][/td] [td] “ CyberSage ”[/td] [td] “ B4EVNdutmepo ”[/td] [td] “ Nosferatu999 ”[/td] [td] “ yAslloxG_ ”[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Free For All - Wins [/b][/td] [td] “ JhonWick3 ”[/td] [td] “ Pagamantoe ”[/td] [td] “ gratis_LPG ”[/td] [td] “ powersem ”[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Primary - Headshots[/b][/td] [td] “ SN_10012000 ”[/td] [td] “ SE1XxSPOT ”[/td] [td] “ xX_Cybertron ”[/td] [td] “ BERT0NE ”[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][b]Playtime[/b][/td] [td] “ Left8ehind ”[/td] [td] “ Bilel1615 ”[/td] [td] “ demolidor2 ”[/td] [td] “ StalkerPsyho ”[/td] [/tr] [/table] [b]- We apologize for the delay in selecting winners due to unforeseen circumstances. And also [u]We are in the process of selecting the winners for the event "Return of the Soldiers"[/u], so we will announce it as soon as the work is completed.[/b] [h1][u][b] Instructions for winners [/b][/u][/h1] To claim your gift, please send us([url=m.me/LineOfSightGlobal]m.me/LineOfSightGlobal[/url]): - A photocopy of your ID card - In-game screenshot that shows your current playtime score. [olist] [*] You should make a photocopy of your ID card that sensitive information has been masked. However the copy of ID should show us "your name and nationality". Please hide or blur any other information except "Your name and nationality". Here's an example. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25944055/b28ff245e5fd87652bd399f5301bfcfcb84b4b4d.jpg[/img] [*] And, take a screenshot like this, [i](for identifying the ownership of your account)[/i] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25944055/b4871b026de11327f0255064dbc6964135af2dde.png[/img] [*] Send those to us using Facebook Message! PLEASE NOTE that the deadline is [i][b]15:00 February 21, 2019, PST[/b][/i] [u][url=m.me/LineOfSightGlobal]m.me/LineOfSightGlobal[/url][/u] [/olist] [b][/b] [*] The information you submit to us will only be used for identity verification and audit purposes and will be destroyed as soon as it is used. [*]Only the persons who send us the information within the deadline will be given the prize. [b][i](Deadline is 15:00 February 21, 2019, PST)[/i] [/b] [*] Confirmed cheaters have been excluded from the winner's list, and the prizes devolved to the next highest ranked players. [*] The award will be sent out as soon as the winners' information is confirmed. Thank you!