[Announcement] Server Maintenance 15.03.2019, UTC 08:00, PDT 01:00 ( Expected Duration: ~10min)

Line of Sight

Fast paced FPS with high customizational freedom. From game mode customization to an in depth weapon tuning and attachment system up to detailed character customizations, while it was developed so you can choose to either go for high performance or graphical fidelity without an high end PC.

Hi, we are going to start the server maintenance this week to bring a new map. It's called Myst, a SnD map. We hope you guys enjoy it and let us know the bug in the Facebook Forum. https://www.facebook.com/groups/lineofsightglobal * Other changes: PK Inhibitor has been disabled for Classic Matches. Cheers! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25944055/fd9951d8036243f05d9e4887d23d0c2adc552ac6.png[/img]