Open Shooting Range


Homaysa ™ is a collection of VR game modes and experiences.

Dear Players, [h1]Open Shooting Range[/h1] Yesterday I pushed a new update for Homaysa. This new update adds a new game mode for Homaysa called the Open Shooting Range. [previewyoutube=OLTmu8_DZqo;full][/previewyoutube] [h2]This new update also includes:[/h2] [list] [*] A new hunting bolt action rifle. [*] Changed the graphics of Homaysa to run on realtime instead of being faked (Baked). [*] Fixed the ground flickering bug. [/list] [h1]New updates counting method[/h1] After jumping to Unreal Engine I decided to start counting updates in the since I thought it would be better to start from zero but now that I thought about it, I think its confusing and it doesn't count the updates that was made when Homaysa was using Unity. So, the new way of counting new update is a simple digit for example just, 1,2,3 etc. And so counting the new update number is: 8 Updates before jumping to Unreal + 7 Updates after the jump + todays update = 16 ....right? Thank you for reading. See you in the range.