One handed controls enabled for the disabled

Drizzlepath: Deja Vu

A man embarks on a journey toward the top of a mountain, to discover the truth of his existence. Along the way, he ponders the nature of life itself. Drizzlepath: Deja Vu is a spiritual revisitation of Tonguç Bodur's very first game, Drizzlepath.

Hey everyone, I've made some additions on the game's controls so the players with single hand (left or right) will be able to play it. The newly added controls are; [list] [*] Right mouse button for moving forward [*] Left mouse button for toggling run [/list] [list] [*] Gamepad right & left triggers for moving forward [*] Gamepad right & left bumpers for toggling run [/list] [list] [*] And for the ones who can use the gamepad with their left hands only, there is a new option in General Settings menu named "One Handed Controls". It is set Off by default but if you set it On, then the gamepad's left thumbstick will act the same as the right one, and it will be used for the face look rotation. Combined with it you can move forward by the trigger and toggle tun by the bumper. [/list] Hopefully more of us will be able to experience Drizzlepath: Deja Vu. Tonguc