Full Controller Support Soon

Drizzlepath: Deja Vu

A man embarks on a journey toward the top of a mountain, to discover the truth of his existence. Along the way, he ponders the nature of life itself. Drizzlepath: Deja Vu is a spiritual revisitation of Tonguç Bodur's very first game, Drizzlepath.

Hey everyone, I'm working on a new settings menu for the game and if everything goes ok, soon the game will have full controller support! But there is a downside on this; the new settings menu won't support localization. If you prefer German, Italian or Turkish language settings menu (The game itself will still support multilanguage subtitles though) over full controller support, you will still be able to access that version via Game Properties - Betas and there you'll find "localui" branch which will run the game with German/Italian/Turkish localization. Have a great weekend wherever you are located at! :dpfrogo: Tonguç