On Your Hands Update Released

On Your Hands

On Your Hands is a game which seeks to merge complex puzzle mechanics with a creepy atmosphere and terrifying enemies. Can you use the seven unique magic types to make your way off a strange alien planet?

An update to On Your Hands has been released, version 1.12. The update should be applied automatically when you restart On Your Hands. The major changes include: [list] [*] Various: Controller can now skip computer scrolls and death/intro screens [*] Various: Glasses state should persist more consistently upon loading a save [*] Various: Flashlight state should now be preserved upon loading a checkpoint [*] Various: Fixed a bug where some books would be translated into alien text after turning a page [*] Map00: Added save/load splash screen that displays on first run [*] Map00: Modified warning splash screen [*] Map00: Added Credits Menu [*] Map02: Bridge physics are far less finicky [*] Map04: Fixed a bug that'd allow players to teleport on top of pipes in the pipe hallway [*] Map04: Fixed a bug where players could sacrifice the Wanderer in the Junk Room multiple times [*] Map05: Wanderers now look at the player properly [*] Map05: Placed Wanderer corpses now have eyes closed [*] Map06: Inserting the battery will now make it persist until the save slot is deleted [*] Map10: Screen now shakes after activating spaceship [*] Settings: Addressed issues with keybinds not persisting [*] Settings: Addressed an issue with keybinds not taking effect until one changes level [*] Settings: Addressed a bug with keybinds reseting on game reset [*] Settings: Added "Screen Shake" toggle accessibility option [*] Settings: Added "View Bob" toggle accessiblity option [*] Settings: Increased maximum on sensitivity sliders from 2x to 4x [*] Settings: Unlinked Mouse and Controller sensitivity [*] Settings: "Use Native Resolution" should now work properly [*] Settings: Further adjustments to sound mixing [*] Settings: Keybinds now have tooltips [*] Settings: Stats menu now has a remappable keybind, and controller mapping [/list] Development on Episode 3 is progressing smoothly. As always, please use the discord server, twitter messages, or steam forums to report any issues.