On Your Hands Day 2 Patch

On Your Hands

On Your Hands is a game which seeks to merge complex puzzle mechanics with a creepy atmosphere and terrifying enemies. Can you use the seven unique magic types to make your way off a strange alien planet?

An update to On Your Hands has been released, version 1.10. The update should be applied automatically when you restart On Your Hands. The major changes include: [list] [*] Various: Added 'reset level' menu option [*] Various: Console password will now persist until it's changed [*] Various: Added sounds to activate switches [*] Map05: Fixed an issue where the player could save/harvest a Wanderer, save, load a checkpoint, and then go back and save/harvest that Wanderer again [*] Map05: Added animation to terminals in wire room [*] Map05: Changed machine ambient noise [*] Map08: Updated Ice Magic splat decal [*] Map08: Fixed an issue where the positioning of the button in lurker research allowed the player to very easily cheese the puzzle [*] Map10: Updated Ice Magic splat decals [*] Map04: Location description added to codex [*] Map05: Location description added to codex [*] Map05: "On Wanderers" Entry added to computer at end of hatch [*] Map06: Location description added to codex - Note: Players may need to travel the relevant map once to unlock location description [*] Map01: Voiceover added for intro text crawl [*] Various: Death screen voice-over added [/list] This will be the last patch pending a week long break on the part of the development team, barring an emergency. As always, please use the discord server, twitter messages, or steam forums to report any issues.