8Doors is a story-driven Metroidvania-style action platformer heavily influenced by Korean folktales. Play as ‘Arum’, a brave girl that has entered the realm of the afterlife in search of her father’s soul and guide her through the '8 Doors of Purgatory' to solve the mysteries that lie deep within.
Hello Everyone,
We’re excited to announce that 8Doors: Arum’s Afterlife Adventure will be launched on April 8th!
It’s been a long journey with many ups and downs since we started developing the game in 2016 and we’re sorry that it took this long.
However we put absolutely everything we had into creating this game and think the current version is much bigger than what we had initially planned and will be a lot more fun to play.
We’d also like to thank all of our loyal supporters who have been by our side this whole time and the large community of gamers that has been awaiting our launch.
[h3]Main Features of the Game
[/h3][list][*]9 Chapters in Total
[*]7 Types of Weapons
[*]14 Bosses
- A wide variety of bosses that were inspired by folk tales
[*]3 Different Endings
[*]2 Difficulty Levels
[*]7 Secret Bosses
- Bosses hidden in hard-to-find places
[*]33 Types of Monsters and 3 Secret Ones [/list]
This isn’t the end of our journey though. Even after launch, we plan on finding more ways to improve the playing experience and further develop the game. So please be on the lookout for future updates and enjoy your trip into the afterlife starting on April 8th!
Thank you!