8Doors is a story-driven Metroidvania-style action platformer heavily influenced by Korean folktales. Play as ‘Arum’, a brave girl that has entered the realm of the afterlife in search of her father’s soul and guide her through the '8 Doors of Purgatory' to solve the mysteries that lie deep within.
Hello gamers!
Just a quick reminder that our second beta test will be closing soon. So if you haven’t already, consider downloading and playing our beta build! Also note that any feedback and/or general talk about the game is always super welcome via our Discord channel.
That being said, here’s another post of sneak peeks that will be in the full game. We’re working really hard to make the game as enjoyable as possible, so please stay tuned for more updates & our launch on Q1 2021.
Arum is floating down the freezing peaks of purgatory with her newly acquired trusty umbrella. With this new weapon/tool Arum is able to slow her descent down any terrain and can move around to land where she needs to. Looks like she’s found some place worth visiting, what building could this be?
Ever stumble across the pitch dark sewers of purgatory while playing the demo? Now equipped with a lamp, Arum and Ducroak make their way into the dangerous sewers in search for more clues for her father’s whereabouts. The sewers is a dangerous place filled with toxic wastes and slippery foes. Help Arum navigate her way safely!
A silhouette version of the in-game map! The purgatory is vast with many regions to be explored. The girl who voluntarily descended into purgatory to find her father, will Arum be able to finally meet him?
Thank you for all your support and patience so far! We promise to deliver a fun and memorable experience to you by Q1 2021.
Wishlist our game on Steam!
Discord : https://discord.gg/94qFECw
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RootlessStudio