October (Halloween) Monthly News Update

Jury - Episode 1: Before the Trial

A high quality, erotic, sexy and fun visual novel - and yes, there are animations!

Hi all! (This is a 2-part post this month as with the Q&A, it became a bit of an essay… I’ll post this part now and the Q&A tomorrow. Last chance to get any final questions in before I post!) I’m here a little early this month as it’s Halloween and wanted to put some spooky images out there for you! It’s been a very good month for Jury. I’ve managed to get a load more renders/animations/writing/transcribing done. I know you’re probably getting bored of me saying that, but I’m just keeping you in the loop as to the progress. [b]This Month:[/b] - Now up to 3312 images (This month another 1012) - Now up to 148 animations (This month another 34) - Another 3 scenes written and 4 Transcribed I’m spending this current week rendering the more ‘boring’ (to render) and laborious scenes… The court stuff. As always, it’s never easy to render a scene with 20 people in it. The initial upload to the farm for this scene is over 40GB and even with fibre, it does take time! Here’s a little shot of the upload (with 8 of the characters missing). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43540775/00889fd9f535c0ad5abe0ffa5d6ec2568f32fdc5.png[/img] To get these shots rendered, I have to do it in 2 shots, then combine them in fusion/photoshop after. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43540775/70913a8c6942b72ee8598d07d86741426f70e561.png[/img] Essentially anywhere you see a shot with more than 10 characters on the screen, that’s been cobbled together using more than 1 image (The scenes in the lobby and on the rooftop spring to mind). As it’s October, I’ve done some spooky renders for you all! I hope you enjoy! Nickle3DArt [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43540775/3034c7bfd62314b2ba4e84724f7f286e2fc81cb9.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43540775/b1097a7f64c6efe3b10e68afd1f9821c6aef7033.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43540775/8d5af143a31658a9ba96b29c73c4fb7f4f0bb283.png[/img]