Ocean Keeper - Live Stream of the Exclusive Demo Version!

Codename: Ocean Keeper

The entire underwater world will be hunting you. Find caves and dig tunnels to obtain valuable resources to upgrade your mech. Combine a vast array of weapons and create your unique build that will allow you to last as long as possible and unravel the mysteries of the ocean.

[h3]Tomorrow, we will have another exciting stream of the new roguelike game - Ocean Keeper. [/h3] We invite you to join us and get a closer look at the game, explore its unique mechanics, and participate in the playtest of our exclusive project. This is a great opportunity to experience firsthand the immersive underwater world we've created and see the new features and updates we've implemented. Additionally, we have a special surprise in store for you. A special guest will be hosting the stream and will attempt to challenge the depths of the ocean! This guest will share their insights and strategies as they navigate the perilous underwater environment, providing a unique perspective on the game. [b]Don't miss this chance to be part of our community, engage with the developers, and provide your valuable feedback.[/b] We look forward to seeing you there and diving deep into the world of Ocean Keeper together! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44895678/33d81cf4d9bb9ed9c189100cb1a7084c71042de6.gif[/img]