Oblivion's remake in Skyrim shows off ten minutes of new footage

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition includes Morrowind plus all of the content from the Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansions. The original Mod Construction Set is not included in this package. An epic, open-ended single-player RPG, Morrowind allows you to create and play any kind of character imaginable.

The upcoming Elder Scrolls Oblivion remake built by fans entirely within Skyrim has just had a huge update, as the RPG game looks more and more like a great way to wait out the Elder Scrolls 6 release date. So if Oblivion and Skyrim's love child, naturally called Skyblivion, is of interest, you'll want to see this.

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