Notes From the Underground #002

We have another excerpt from the Notes From the Underground journal to share with you! This entry follows our wayward Explorer all the way to Azeos Wilderness where they make yet another discovery. You’ll find the journal below as well as a transcript of the entry beneath it. We hope you’re enjoying this new series and are keeping an eye out for nods towards future content within 😉 [b]A localised transcript of this journal entry has been provided below the image.[/b] [h2]Notes From the Underground #2 - Warning Shots[/h2] [img][/img] [i]"If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that the underground is teeming with life! I’ve encountered all sorts on my travels, from friendly dog-like creatures all the way to whatever that disgusting chunk of flesh in Larva Hive was. It’s the Cavelings I’m most interested in, though. At first, I thought they were primitive in nature, especially the Brutes, but they seem much more advanced than I’ve been giving them credit for. I’d been exploring the Wilderness for a few days before I started running into these ancient stone houses. I can’t tell if the Cavelings built them or if they simply disposed of whoever did. Outside one of the ruins was another of those Cicada husks, but this was a bit different than the one I encountered in the Clay Caves – more mature, perhaps? Just as I was about to investigate, I heard something ping off of my armour and I was nearly knocked off of my feet. Behind me, wearing a ghillie suit to disguise itself as a bush, was a Caveling Hunter! More and more Cavelings started to appear, outnumbering me ten to one. I got the feeling that they didn’t want me getting any closer to the husk and, well, who was I to argue?"[/i] [b]Comments in the margins read:[/b] [i]“Sneaky!” above a drawing of a Caveling Hunter[/i]