Notable things about upgrading to Director's Cut

Pulang Insanity - Director's Cut

Pulang: Insanity is a psychological horror game set in a mythical culture of Indonesia. the games tell a story about Rudy, a man who once became poor and heavily indebted, he passed his poverty and became prosperous via the “Pesugihan” ritual, yet the happiness didn’t last long.

[h2]NOTE: As for now, the Chinese version still in the works. the Director's Cut will only be playable in English, Korean, and Bahasa.[/h2] there are several things to note if you upgraded from post to (Director's Cut) [olist] [*] If you already finished the game before, but the Chapter Selection still empty. just Press "Continue" and the chapters will be unlocked to the last level you played. BUT if it does not work and you lost your saves completely. you can ask us directly. [url=]Discord these days is the fastest way to reach us.[/url] [*] You supposed to have at least one Weapon on The Final level, so if you updated from the earlier version to Director's Cut and then jump to the last chapter. you cannot progress at all. the only way to do this is go back to the very first chapter. grab a Knife on the first Otherworld and come back to the last chapter you played. [*] there are several levels you can pick a weapon. in The Nightmare, Kuyang, and Nissa. [/olist] we just got a lot of reports on this. we will fix it as soon as possible as far as we know. you will not encounter any trouble if you freshly start the new game. Thank you very much and stay tuned. - Ozysoft